Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Important Fall Lawn Maintenance Projects

You’re almost ready to pack your bags for winter. But before you get too excited about another great lawn season, here are some things you can do to make a difference in spring. These 15-minute lawn maintenance tasks will make it easy to relax when the temperatures drop.

Lawn Maintenance Tips

Take care of your lawn

Two fall feedings can make the difference between a beautiful lawn and one that is just okay. Your lawn will start rebuilding the roots that were damaged by the dry, hot summer. This is why it is important to fertilize in fall. You can also kill several kinds of lawn weeds in fall, such as clover and dandelions. Apply weed- and feed products.

It kills weeds, nourishes the lawn and also prevents fire ants. Fire ants, as their name suggests, are not a good idea.

You should continue your fall fertilization 6-8 weeks later.

Get your Lawn looking great

It can be damaged when kids play on lawns that are still suffering from summer heat and drought. Use a product that is specifically designed to repair bare spots on your lawn, such as the one left by the kiddie pool.

Keep the soil surface moist during any seeding project. It is best to water the soil once per day, or as often as necessary until the seedlings reach a height that allows for easy mowing.

Mulch your Leaves

Tree leaves shouldn’t smother your lawn. Fallen tree leaves won’t insulate your lawn in winter, contrary to popular belief. They can actually be a nuisance by blocking sunlight and thinning grass. To help soil microbes breakdown the leaves, you can ditch the rake. Instead, mulch your leaves with your lawnmower to a dime-sized size.

Clean the gutters

While you hang holiday lights, pretend you don’t fear heights. When winter storms arrive, you don’t want your gutters clogged. You should hire an expert to help you clean the gutter as part of your lawn maintenance routine.

Mow your lawn

Late fall is the best time to start mowing your lawn shorter than usual. Keep mowing your lawn shorter and shorter until the grass stops growing in winter. Go a little lower for the final mowing.

All of your lawn furniture can be stored

It is probably too cold to drink lemonade outside, so put away the cushions and move the furniture and grill into storage until next year.

Clean out your tools

These tools have served you very well throughout the season. But now, you are done with your fall lawn care. It’s time for you to get rid of the tools. It will prevent them from rusting by cleaning them before hanging them up. Don’t forget to maintain your winter mower after you have finished mowing the year.

It’s hard to beat personal attention from a lawn care expert for any questions you have about your garden or lawn.

Call Conway Lawn Care Service now if you need help in maintaining your lawn.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about lawn care services.

Conway Lawn Care Service
Conway, SC 29526

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