Friday, June 28, 2024

Lawn Care: Expert Tips for a Thriving Green Lawn

Have you always wondered about the best way to grow a new lawn? And are you curious about the most cost-effective lawn care techniques? Moreover, perhaps you’re looking for a method that ensures instant results? No need to worry because we have the answers to your questions.

Here, we provide you with three fundamental techniques to consider so you can choose the best method for growing a lush, green lawn.

Lawn Care Methods for Growing a Healthy Yard

Using the Seeding Method

Did you know that planting a new lawn by sowing grass seed is both easy and cost-effective? Moreover, if you plan to use this technique, the best time to do it is in late summer or early fall. So, the only financial investment you will need for seeding includes buying the seeds and either purchasing or renting a seed spreader. Additionally, you will also need to buy top dressing to cover your seedbed, such as sphagnum (commonly known as peat moss) or straw.

Using the Plugs and Sprigs Technique

The second method of lawn care in Conway SC works best if you live in a generally warm climate and only need to work with a small lawn area. Furthermore, you have the option of planting plugs and sprigs, which come in containers. Additionally, plugs and sprigs are the least expensive alternative to sod.

First, you need to assess your lawn area to determine the number of plugs or sprigs you will need. Besides, plugs and sprigs should be planted 8-12 inches apart. Then, in about eight weeks, with sufficient watering, your plugs and sprigs will transform into a completely new lawn.

Utilizing the Sod Method

If you are looking for instant results, sod or turf is your best choice, although it is far more costly compared to seed. Additionally, one of the benefits of planting sod is that it can be done at any time of the day. However, the most important point to remember about turf is that it should be bought fresh and installed right away.

Soil-Preparation-Myrtle-Beach-300x199.jpgPreparing the Soil

While considering the method of planting, it’s essential not to overlook the preparation of the soil. Regardless of whether you are seeding, planting plugs and sprigs, or using sod, the type and condition of the soil play a crucial role in obtaining a healthy and balanced lawn.

Assessing and Preparing Soil

First, you should take into consideration the texture, type, and condition of the soil. Additionally, whether you are seeding, planting plugs and sprigs, or using the sod method, ensure that your soil is properly prepared. This is an essential part of your lawn care routine. Furthermore, an important factor to remember is to have your area tilled. Likewise, if you do not till, your lawn could have difficulty growing roots, especially if the soil in the area is dense. The soil should be tilled to at least six to eight inches.

Additionally, after you have spread the growing soil, add fertilizers as needed based on your soil test, and till them into the soil. Next, rake the growing area free of debris after tilling. Only then can you start sowing your seed, installing sod, or planting your sprigs or plugs.

Importance of Soil Testing

If you genuinely wish to get your new grass off to a great start, you should have your soil tested. Additionally, if you don’t consider having it tested at a lab, you can acquire a soil testing kit to do it yourself. So, soil testing will provide you with enough information on what should be added to your soil before planting.

Growing a healthy lawn requires careful consideration of the method you choose and the preparation of your soil. And whether you opt for seeding, using plugs and sprigs, or laying sod, proper planning and soil care are essential for success. Furthermore, each method has its benefits and challenges, so choose the one that best fits your needs and resources.

Are you ready to transform your lawn into a lush, green haven? So, start by preparing your soil and choosing the right planting method for your area. And if you need expert advice or assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to Conway Lawn Care Service to ensure your lawn thrives.

Let’s start growing the lawn of your dreams today! Contact Conway Lawn Care Service for more information on soil testing and lawn care services.

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Conway Lawn Care Service
Conway, SC 29526

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Lawn Care Tips: Maintain Your Lawn During a Drought

Dealing with severe drought conditions can be challenging, especially when it comes to maintaining a healthy lawn. However, with the right strategies and adjustments to your lawn care routine, you can keep your grass looking its best even in dry conditions. So, here are some essential lawn care tips to help you manage your lawn during a drought and make it more drought-tolerant.

Understanding Drought and Its Impact

Drought is a prolonged period of dry weather that can significantly impact local environments. Moreover, droughts can range from a few weeks to several years and have various forms, including agricultural, hydrological, meteorological, and socioeconomic droughts. Furthermore, each type affects the environment differently, but all can pose serious challenges to maintaining a healthy lawn.

Key Factors Contributing to Drought

Several factors can lead to drought, including increased evaporation, reduced rainfall, climate change, deforestation, and soil degradation. Besides, these factors reduce the availability of water, making it crucial to adopt water-efficient practices for lawn care in Conway SC.

Strategies for Lawn Care During a Drought

Adjust Mowing Practices

Maintaining the right mowing height is crucial during drought conditions. Additionally, tall turfgrass provides shade for the ground and helps establish deep roots, enhancing drought resistance.

  • Mow High: Set your mower to a higher setting, ideally at 2.5 inches or higher, depending on your grass type. Moreover, avoid cutting more than one-third of the grass blade length at a time to prevent stress on the grass.
  • Mulch Clippings: Leave grass clippings on the lawn to retain moisture and return nutrients to the soil, unless your lawn is infested with weeds or diseased.

Optimize Watering Techniques

Efficient watering is essential to keep your lawn hydrated during a drought.

  • Water Deeply: Water your lawn deeply but infrequently, preferably between sunrise and 8 a.m., to minimize evaporation.
  • Monitor Soil Moisture: Use a rain gauge to measure rainfall and irrigation to avoid overwatering.
  • Targeted Watering: Ensure sprinklers are aimed at the lawn, not driveways or sidewalks, to conserve water.

Avoid Fertilizing and Chemical Treatments

During drought conditions, it’s best to avoid applying fertilizers and herbicides.

  • Skip Fertilizers: High-salt fertilizers can burn your turf in dry conditions. Opt for slow-release fertilizers if needed, and apply them during cooler, wetter periods.
  • Limit Herbicides: Applying herbicides during drought is ineffective as weeds and grass may be dormant and unable to absorb the chemicals.

lawn-care-1-1-300x200.jpgEnhance Soil and Lawn Health

Improving soil health and adopting the right landscaping practices that support your lawn’s resilience can make a significant difference.

Aeration and Dethatching

While aeration and dethatching are beneficial, they should be done before or after drought conditions, not during.

  • Aerate Annually: Aerate your lawn in the spring or fall to relieve compacted soil and improve water infiltration.
  • Dethatch When Necessary: Remove excess thatch to allow better air and water penetration.

Use Mulch

Applying mulch helps retain soil moisture and suppress weeds.

  • Mulch Garden Beds: Use organic mulch like wood chips, shredded leaves, and grass clippings to keep soil cool and moist.
  • Living Mulches: Plant drought-tolerant ground covers to protect soil and reduce evaporation.

Minimize Foot Traffic

During drought, lawns become more susceptible to damage from foot traffic.

  • Limit Usage: Reduce foot traffic on stressed lawns to prevent compaction and further stress.
  • Create Paths: Use stepping stones or pathways to minimize direct contact with the grass.

Long-Term Lawn Care Adjustments

Adapting your routine to include drought-resistant practices can help your lawn withstand dry periods more effectively.

  • Choose Drought-Tolerant Grass: Consider planting drought-resistant grass varieties that require less water.
  • Improve Soil Quality: Enhance soil with organic matter to improve water retention and root growth.
  • Implement Eco-Friendly Irrigation: Install drip irrigation systems to deliver water directly to the roots, minimizing waste.

Maintaining a healthy lawn during a drought requires strategic adjustments and proactive care. So, by adopting these tips and working with Conway Lawn Care Service, you can ensure your lawn remains resilient and vibrant even in challenging conditions.

Ready to transform your lawn care routine? Contact Conway Lawn Care Service today for expert advice and services tailored to your needs.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about heating and cooling services.

Conway Lawn Care Service
Conway, SC 29526

Friday, June 21, 2024

DIY Mulching vs. Hiring Landscapers

When it comes to enhancing your garden with mulch, you face two main options: doing it yourself or hiring professional landscapers. Each approach has its own set of advantages and drawbacks, and the best choice depends on your individual circumstances. This blog explores the costs, benefits, and time commitments associated with each option, helping you decide which method for mulching suits your needs and preferences best.

The Appeal of DIY Mulching

Many homeowners find the idea of DIY mulching attractive. It offers a hands-on way to improve their garden while potentially saving money.

Cost Considerations:

Firstly, DIY mulching is often more affordable. By purchasing mulch in bulk and applying it yourself, you avoid labor costs. However, it’s important to remember the expenses related to materials, tools, and other necessary items like weed barriers or edging.

Personal Satisfaction: One major advantage is the personal satisfaction of completing the task on your own. Furthermore, you can take pride in knowing that your hard work directly contributed to the beauty of your garden.

Customization: DIY mulching allows for greater customization. You can choose specific mulch types, colors, and placement to match your aesthetic preferences. Additionally, you have the freedom to experiment with different styles and techniques.

Flexibility: Working at your own pace is another benefit. You can tackle the project whenever it’s convenient for you, without being tied to someone else’s schedule.

Time Commitment: Despite these benefits, DIY mulching in Conway SC can be time-consuming, especially for larger areas. Preparing the garden beds, calculating the amount of mulch needed, spreading it evenly, and performing any necessary maintenance can take several hours or even days. Moreover, the physical labor involved can be quite demanding.

Mulching-Services-1-300x200.jpgThe Advantages of Hiring Landscapers for Mulching

On the other hand, hiring professional landscapers to handle your mulching needs offers a different set of benefits.

Cost Considerations:

Although hiring landscapers involves a financial investment, the cost varies depending on the size of your garden, the amount of mulch required, and any additional services like bed preparation or cleanup. It’s wise to get multiple quotes from reputable companies to ensure you’re getting a fair price.

Expertise and Efficiency:

Landscapers bring knowledge, experience, and specialized equipment to the job, ensuring efficient and proper mulch application. They can address specific garden needs and deliver professional results. Additionally, their expertise can prevent common mistakes that DIYers might make.

Time Savings:

Hiring professional landscapers in Conway SC frees up your time, allowing you to focus on other activities while they handle the mulching process. This can be particularly valuable if you have a busy lifestyle.

Reduced Physical Effort:

Mulching can be physically demanding, especially for those with limited mobility or health issues. Landscapers take on the strenuous labor, ensuring the job is done without risking injury.

Time Commitment:

By entrusting the task to landscapers, you eliminate the need to spend significant time on the project. Professionals can complete the work efficiently, usually within a few hours or a day, depending on the project size. Additionally, they bring tools and equipment that can speed up the process significantly.

Comparing the Two Approaches

To make the best decision for your garden, consider the following factors:


If you’re looking to save money, DIY mulching might be more cost-effective since it eliminates labor costs. However, hiring professionals, while more expensive, can save you time and ensure high-quality results.


If you enjoy gardening and have ample free time, DIY mulching could be a fulfilling project. Conversely, if your schedule is tight or you prefer spending your time elsewhere, hiring landscapers is a practical choice.

Physical Ability:

Consider your physical condition and ability to perform labor-intensive tasks. If you have health concerns or limited mobility, hiring professionals can prevent unnecessary strain and potential injuries.

Desired Outcome:

Professional landscapers bring expertise that can enhance the aesthetic and functional quality of your mulched areas. If achieving a polished, professional look is important to you, investing in their services might be worthwhile.

Both DIY mulching and hiring landscapers have their merits. DIY mulching allows for personalization, cost savings, and the satisfaction of doing the work yourself. However, it requires a significant time investment and physical effort. Hiring landscapers, on the other hand, offers expertise, efficiency, and saves you time and physical exertion, albeit at a higher cost.

Consider your budget, available time, and physical ability when making your decision. Both approaches can yield beautiful results for your garden and enhance your outdoor space. Of course, you have the option to hire experts like Conway Lawn Care Service.

Ready to enhance your garden with fresh mulch but not sure where to start? Contact Conway Lawn Care Service today for a consultation and let our professionals handle the hard work, so you can enjoy the beauty of your garden without the hassle!

Like our Facebook page for more great info about heating and cooling services.

Conway Lawn Care Service
Conway, SC 29526

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Why Hire a Landscaping Contractor?

When contemplating a landscaping project, the decision to hire a professional landscaping contractor often comes down to a few crucial factors. And whether it’s the complexity of the task, the need for specialized equipment, or the desire for a polished, professional finish, a landscaping contractor can make all the difference. So, here’s an in-depth look at why hiring a landscaping contractor is a smart move for your next outdoor project.

Hiring A Landscaping Contractor

Expertise and Experience

Landscaping is more than just planting flowers and mowing lawns; it involves intricate planning and execution. Moreover, professional landscaping contractors bring years of experience to the table, which is invaluable for complex projects. For instance, the average homeowner may not know what it takes to install a koi pond or build a multi-tiered garden. However, a contractor has likely handled similar projects before and understands the intricacies involved. Therefore, they can foresee potential challenges and navigate them effectively, ensuring that the project runs smoothly from start to finish.

Comprehensive Planning and Design

A well-thought-out landscape design is crucial for achieving a cohesive and aesthetically pleasing outdoor space. Additionally, landscapers in Conway SC often work with professional designers to create detailed plans. They consider various elements such as plant selection, irrigation, lighting, and hardscape features. Furthermore, they also take into account the specific conditions of your property. These include soil type, sun exposure, and existing vegetation. This comprehensive approach ensures that all components of the landscape work together harmoniously.

Landscaping Contractor: Specialized Tools and Equipment

Landscaping projects often require specialized tools and machinery that most homeowners do not have. These can range from simple tools like high-quality pruners and soil testers to more complex machinery like backhoes, trenchers, and earthmovers. Moreover, landscaping contractors have access to this equipment and the expertise to use it correctly. Therefore, they do their jobs efficiently and safely. But, it also eliminates the need for you to invest in expensive equipment for a one-time project.

Time Efficiency

One of the significant advantages of hiring a landscaping contractor is the time efficiency they offer. So, many complex landscaping projects can take a considerable amount of time to complete. This also applies if you’re only working on weekends or in your spare time. Contractors, on the other hand, work full-time and can dedicate their entire day to your project. This means that what might take you several months to complete could be done in a matter of weeks by a professional team.

lawn-care-1-3-300x200.jpgLong-Term Maintenance and Care

A professional landscaping contractor doesn’t just walk away once the project is completed. Additionally, they can offer ongoing maintenance services to ensure that your landscape remains healthy and attractive. Regular maintenance might include lawn care, pruning, fertilizing, pest control, and seasonal clean-ups.

Furthermore, this ongoing care is crucial for the longevity and sustainability of your landscape. Besides, contractors can provide valuable advice on how to care for your plants. They can also provide information about other landscape features. They can help you avoid common pitfalls that could lead to costly repairs or replacements in the future.


While hiring a landscaping contractor in Conway SC might seem like a significant upfront investment, it can be cost-effective in the long run. Therefore, contractors can purchase materials at wholesale prices, which can be a substantial saving. Additionally, their expertise ensures they do their job correctly the first time, reducing the risk of costly mistakes. So, they can also help you avoid unnecessary expenses by advising you on the most cost-effective solutions for your landscaping needs.

Enhanced Property Value

A well-designed and maintained landscape can significantly enhance your property’s curb appeal and overall value. Moreover, professional landscaping contractors know how to make the most of your outdoor space, creating an environment that is not only beautiful but also functional and sustainable. Therefore, whether you’re planning to put up your home for sale in the near future or just enjoy a beautiful outdoor living space, hiring professional landscaping servuces can provide substantial returns.

Safety Considerations

Landscaping projects can pose various safety risks, particularly when heavy machinery or specialized tools are involved. Therefore, professional contractors are trained to handle these risks and are equipped with the necessary safety gear. Moreover, they also have the knowledge to avoid common hazards such as underground utility lines and unstable terrain. So, by hiring a professional, you can ensure that your project is completed safely and without incident.

Creative Solutions and Innovations

Professional landscapers bring a wealth of creativity to their projects. Furthermore, they are often up-to-date with the latest trends and innovations in landscape design, from sustainable practices to new plant varieties and hardscaping materials. Therefore, this means they can offer fresh ideas and creative solutions that you might not have considered. So, whether you’re looking for a modern, minimalist design or a lush, traditional garden, a professional can help you achieve your vision.

Customized Services From A Landscaping Contractor

Every property is unique, and so are its landscaping needs. Therefore, professional contractors offer customized services tailored to your specific requirements and preferences. Additionally, they can work with you to develop a plan that fits your budget, meets your aesthetic goals, and addresses any particular challenges your property may present. So, this personalized approach ensures that you get the best possible results for your investment.

In conclusion, hiring a professional landscaping contractor offers numerous benefits, from expert planning and execution to access to specialized tools and ongoing maintenance. Therefore, by leveraging their experience and expertise, you can ensure that your landscaping project is completed efficiently, safely, and to the highest standards.

Looking for a landscaping contractor? Call Conway Lawn Care Service today to discuss your project and get started on creating the landscape of your dreams.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about heating and cooling services.

Conway Lawn Care Service
Conway, SC 29526

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Landscaping Mistakes You Should Avoid Making

Landscaping can greatly enhance the beauty and functionality of your outdoor space. However, it’s easy to make mistakes that can detract from your garden’s potential and cause more work in the long run. So, here are some common landscaping mistakes you should avoid, according to experts.

Overlooking Landscaping Maintenance

Neglecting maintenance requirements is a common mistake that can lead to an overgrown and unmanageable garden. So, consider the long-term care each plant will need before adding it to your landscape.

1. Planting High-Maintenance Plants

If you have a busy schedule, opt for low-maintenance plants that require minimal care. And avoid plants that need frequent pruning, watering, or pest control. Moreover, low-maintenance gardens can still be beautiful and thriving.

2. Failing to Mulch Properly

Mulching helps retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature. Moreover, use the right amount of mulch and avoid piling it too high around plant stems. Additionally, improper mulching can lead to root rot and other issues.

Improper Plant Placement

Placing plants in the wrong location can hinder their growth and health. So, consider each plant’s light and space requirements when designing your landscape.

1. Planting Too Close Together

Give your plants enough space to grow to their full size. And avoid overcrowding, which can lead to competition for nutrients and water. Moreover, adequate spacing helps prevent the spread of diseases.

2. Ignoring Sunlight Needs

Pay attention to the sunlight requirements of each plant. Moreover, some plants thrive in full sun, while others prefer shade. Additionally, placing sun-loving plants in shaded areas can stunt their growth.

Neglecting Soil Health

Healthy soil is the foundation of a successful garden. So, don’t overlook the importance of soil preparation and maintenance.

1. Not Testing the Soil

Test your soil to determine its pH level and nutrient content. Moreover, understanding your soil’s condition can help you amend it appropriately. Additionally, this can improve plant health and growth.

2. Skipping Soil Amendments

Amend your soil with organic matter such as compost to enhance its fertility and structure. Moreover, adding amendments can improve drainage and aeration. Additionally, healthy soil promotes robust root systems and plant vitality.

lawn-care-1-300x200.jpgOverwatering or Underwatering

Watering is crucial for plant health, but both overwatering and underwatering can cause problems. So, find the right balance to keep your plants healthy.

1. Not Using the Right Irrigation System

Choose an irrigation system that suits your garden’s needs. And consider drip irrigation or soaker hoses for efficient watering. Moreover, these systems deliver water directly to the roots, reducing wastage.

2. Ignoring Seasonal Watering Needs

Adjust your watering schedule based on the season. And remember that plants require less water in cooler months and more during hot, dry periods. Moreover, monitor soil moisture levels to avoid overwatering.

Neglecting Landscaping and Hardscape Elements

Hardscape elements such as pathways, patios, and retaining walls are essential for functionality and aesthetics. So, don’t overlook their importance in your landscape design.

1. Not Planning Pathways

Plan pathways to ensure easy access to different parts of your garden. And choose materials that complement your overall design. Moreover, well-placed pathways can enhance the flow and usability of your space.

2. Overlooking Drainage Solutions

Proper drainage is crucial to prevent waterlogging and soil erosion. And incorporate drainage solutions such as French drains or dry creek beds into your design. Moreover, this helps protect your plants and hardscape elements from water damage.

Ignoring Wildlife

Consider the impact of your Conway landscaping on local wildlife. So, create a garden that attracts beneficial insects, birds, and other animals.

1. Using Harmful Chemicals

Avoid using pesticides and herbicides that can harm beneficial insects and animals. Moreover, opt for organic and eco-friendly alternatives. Additionally, promoting biodiversity can lead to a healthier garden ecosystem.

2. Not Providing Habitat

Incorporate elements such as bird feeders, bat houses, and water features to attract wildlife. And choose native plants that provide food and shelter for local species. Moreover, a wildlife-friendly garden can be both beautiful and environmentally sustainable.

Failing to Adapt Over Time

Your garden will change and evolve over time. So, be prepared to adapt your landscaping in Conway SC as needed.

1. Not Pruning and Trimming

Regular pruning and trimming keep plants healthy and in shape. And neglecting these tasks can lead to overgrowth and reduced air circulation. Moreover, proper maintenance helps prevent disease and pest infestations.

2. Ignoring Plant Lifespan

Some plants have a limited lifespan and may need to be replaced over time. So, plan for succession planting to ensure continuous growth and beauty. Moreover, this keeps your garden looking fresh and vibrant.

Avoiding these common landscaping mistakes can help you create a beautiful, functional, and sustainable garden. So, take the time to plan, maintain, and adapt your landscape to enjoy a thriving outdoor space.

Therefore, by following expert advice and considering the long-term impact of your choices, you can make the most of your garden and avoid unnecessary pitfalls. Call Conway Lawn Care Service now for landscaping services. 

Like our Facebook page for more great info about heating and cooling services.

Conway Lawn Care Service
Conway, SC 29526

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Lawn Care Tips For Conquering Crabgrass

Crabgrass is the bane of many gardeners and homeowners. So, this resilient weed can quickly take over your lawn, making it look unsightly and unkempt. Fortunately, with a bit of knowledge and effort, you can effectively identify, prevent, and control crabgrass. Therefore, here’s a comprehensive lawn care guide to help you keep your lawn crabgrass-free.

Lawn Care Tips : Dealing With Crabgrass

Identifying Crabgrass

Crabgrass is an annual weed that thrives in warm weather. Furthermore, it typically appears in late spring and summer when soil temperatures rise above 55°F (13°C). Crabgrass has a distinctive look; moreover, its blades are wider and coarser than those of typical lawn grass, and it grows in clumps that can spread outwards like a crab’s legs.

And, the weed’s seed heads are another telltale sign. They form in finger-like clusters that resemble a crab’s claws. Therefore, these seed heads can produce thousands of seeds, which contribute to its rapid spread and resilience. So, by recognising these characteristics, you can quickly identify crabgrass in your lawn.

Preventing Crabgrass

Preventing crabgrass is easier than dealing with an established infestation. Moreover, here are some effective lawn maintenance and prevention strategies:

1. Maintain a Healthy Lawn

A thick, healthy lawn is your best defence against crabgrass. Therefore, well-maintained lawns with dense grass leave little room for crabgrass seeds to take root. Regular mowing, watering, and fertilising can keep your lawn in top condition. Furthermore, keeping your grass height slightly higher (around 2.5 to 3 inches) can shade the soil, making it harder for crabgrass seeds to germinate.

2. Use Pre-Emergent Herbicides

Pre-emergent herbicides are a crucial tool in the fight against crabgrass. These products work by creating a chemical barrier on the soil surface, preventing crabgrass seeds from germinating. So, apply pre-emergent herbicides in early spring, just before crabgrass seeds begin to sprout. Timing is critical; additionally, applying too late can reduce the herbicide’s effectiveness. Additionally, water the lawn lightly after application to activate the herbicide.

3. Overseeding

Overseeding is the process of spreading grass seed over your existing lawn. This helps to fill in bare spots and improve the lawn’s density, making it harder for crabgrass to establish. Late summer or early autumn is the best time for overseeding, as it allows new grass to grow without the competition from crabgrass.

landscaping-300x225.jpgControlling Crabgrass

If crabgrass has already made an appearance in your lawn, don’t despair. Therefore, several methods can help you regain control:

1. Manual Removal

For small infestations, manual removal is an effective method. So, pulling crabgrass by hand is best done when the soil is moist, as it makes it easier to remove the entire root system. Beware of reseeding, which can happen if you don’t properly get rid of pulled weeds.

2. Post-Emergent Herbicides

Post-emergent herbicides are designed to kill crabgrass after it has germinated. Select a herbicide that targets crabgrass specifically and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application. Be cautious when using these products, as they can also harm desirable grass species if not applied correctly. Additionally, avoid mowing the lawn for a few days before and after applying post-emergent herbicides to maximise their effectiveness.

3. Mulching

In garden beds and landscaped areas, applying a thick layer of mulch can help suppress crabgrass. Moreover, mulch blocks sunlight, which is essential for crabgrass seeds to germinate. Organic mulches, such as wood chips or straw, are particularly effective and also improve soil health as they decompose.

Long-Term Lawn Care Tips

To keep crabgrass at bay, adopt a proactive approach to lawn care in Conway SC. Here are some additional tips:

1. Soil Testing

Regular soil testing can help you understand your lawn’s nutrient needs. Then, based on the test results, you can amend the soil to promote healthy grass growth. And, a well-balanced soil with the right pH levels discourages weed growth, including crabgrass.

2. Proper Watering

Watering your lawn deeply but infrequently encourages deep root growth, making your grass more resilient and less susceptible to weeds. Aim to water early in the morning to minimise evaporation and fungal growth. So, providing about an inch of water per week, either from rainfall or irrigation, should be sufficient.

3. Aeration

Aerating helps prevent soil compaction and promotes healthy root development. Aeration is typically done in the autumn or spring, providing your lawn with the conditions it needs to thrive.

Call Conway Lawn Care Service now if you’re looking for lawn care or landscaping services that can transform your home.

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Conway Lawn Care Service
Conway, SC 29526